From our Newsfeed
- ⚠ ℹ ownOnline will be ‘Pangom’Dear visitors, ownOnline turned 10 years old in July this year. There was no reason to celebrate, because even then there were plans to end it. Now the active steps have begun. The servers have been started, new projects are already being stored there. own Online will be shut down in the course of 2025.… Read more: ⚠ ℹ ownOnline will be ‘Pangom’
- Announcement: End of DNSChoice.euDear Users, It is with regret that we announce the discontinuation of due to professional and personal reorientations. The project will no longer be developed, updated, or maintained. The operation of the website will be maintained until the end of February. The decision to shut down is a result of a combination… Read more: <strong>Announcement: End of</strong>
- ownOnline stops offering “ownOnline-managed-websites”Today I turn to you with a sad message. For more than a year our society and also our economy has been confronted with the war in Ukraine and its international consequences. One of these consequences is inflation. This inflation is one of the reasons for the announcement addressed to you today – but not… Read more: ownOnline stops offering “ownOnline-managed-websites”
- ownOnline goes blueownOnline will offer its recently very minimized offers (I know, but there is no other way 🫤) in the future only in a black/white neutral color scheme (steel blue). I’m trying to change the content so that it gets a neutral (but more towards dark) color tone, so are Independent of dark or light mode.
- Meta: 390-million euro data protection fine and how we advertise in the future (2/2)Meta must pay a fine of 210 million euros (in the case of Facebook) and 180 million euros in the case of Instagram for an established violation of the GDPR. How can we advertise in the future?
Projects (Alpha)
A small portal that explains how to choose your DNS server, and change it under your respective devices. The portal is far from finished, and was recently put back into alpha. Feedback and translations are gladly accepted. Feel free to submit here or on the site via contact form.